Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Peace and Blessings

After the drop of Tyler The Creator's Yonkers video mad questions, speculations, and curiosity have been been sparked regarding the Oddfuture/Wolfgang.

The group which is actually comprised of three groups combined into one ranging from ages 16-23 are on the road to something big. The Oddfuture mixtape, which is comprised of various members is pretty tight to say the least. These guys are all young and collaborate to make some ill productions on each track, which for the most part is produced by members of Oddfuture/WolfGang themselves.

The lyrics are somewhat far left field from what is considered the social standard but the talent among these young dudes is apparent, already gaining support from Pharrell, Kanye etc. The horro culture-esque rap style is definitely original and could be the beginning of a new trend of rap. Check out their mixtape at datpiff.com OddFuture/WolfGang.

By Ear St8ofmines

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