2 recent mixtapes you should definitely download:

It seems the lyrical mixtape weezy is back. A lot of people have been waiting for him to get away from the auto-tune and come back to hip-hop. I think that was part of his motivation to this mixtape. If he approaches an album like he did this, and makes album tracks... the next from Wayne could be really dope.

For all the rest of the musically talented college students this artist attends Duke University and has signed a major deal to J Records. LRG sponsored this mixtape and after his last mixtape it deserves a listen. He definitely has his own style and approach but check it out.
An album that really surprised me for its consistent feel throughout the whole album is Ghostface Killa's Ghostdini: Wizard of Poetry. It's real hip-hop and I would listen to it before a lot of albums that came out in 2009. Go ahead to iTunes to cop it or use your own ways lol

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